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Remarkabull Bullmastiffs

Remarkabull Elf Himself "Tauno"

Tauno 5 v/yrs 8 kk/months

(FIN CH Bulldale Octavius x CIB, FI, BALT, EE, LT & LV CH EEW-05 Oldwell Harmony)

Omistajat/owners: Sanna & Janne Lundgren
Synt / dob 21.11.2004

lonkat/hips: C/C
kyynärpäät/elbows: 0/0
silmät/eyes: OK, cilia aberranta

LTE +56, laukausvarma / Character test +56, secure to shots  

Tauno jakaa upean omakotitalonsa Sannan, Jannen, perheen kissan sekä uusimpana tulokkaana sisarentyttärensä Maisan kanssa. Tauno on pentueen vilkkain ja dominoivin. Koska nämä ominaisuudet olivat näkyvissä jo pentuna, muutti Tauno perheeseen, jolla oli entuudestaan kokemusta rodusta. Taunon kanssa on treenattu tottelevaisuutta, hakua ja raunioita.

Tauno shares his magnificent house with Sanna, Janne, the family cat and his niece Maisa. He is the liveliest and most dominant one of the litter. These qualities were visible even as a puppy and that is why Tauno moved to live in a family with previous experience of the breed. He has been trained in obedience and SAR forest & rumble search. 


Tauno osallistui ahkerasti omakotitalonsa rakennusprojektiin. Töitä tehdessä tuli luonnollisesti jano. Normaalisti Tauno tyytyi veteen mutta kävipä pari kertaa niin, että sen onnistui varastaa itselleen tölkillinen olutta. Näppäränä poikana Tauno avasi purkin puremalla siihen reiän. Alustaksi ei kuitenkaan kelvannut mikä tahansa hiekkakasa vaan tarkkana poikana Tauno valutti oluen pressun päälle, josta sen sitten joi.

Tauno took actively part to the building of his house. When one works hard one gets thirsty. Normally Tauno would have a drink of water but couple of times he managed to pinch a can of beer. Clever as he is, he would puncture the can with his teeth. He was, however, very particular about the place where he would open his can. Ground, sand etc would not do but he made sure his can was on plastic where he, too, would benefit from the drink.

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